Wat Suan Pahn

Nakorn Si Thammarat is a city of temples. While some of them have important historical or architectural significance, there are many more that are just pleasant places to stop for a rest. One of the latter is Wat Suan Pahn, just off Ratchadamnoen Road behind the clock tower.

Standing Buddha
The standing Buddha in front of the ordination hall

The temple consists of a large sandy compound filled with many palms and other trees. Sitting in the compound is a small ubosot (ordination hall) which was apparently built rather recently. In front of the hall is a standing Buddha image. The statue is robed in real cloth which catches the breeze.

Up close, the ubosot is decorated in a style that might seem rather kitschy. The roof gable end is decorated with several small statues of goddesses. Flanking the stairs to the entry are a pair of plaster tigers as well as a pair of school girls in uniform. It's all intricately done and gives the entire structure a bit of a magical quality as it sits in its sandy forest.

The temple was practically deserted when we visited, although its obviously an active temple. Like most temples in Thailand, you can freely visit the grounds to enjoy the peace and quiet.