Nakhon Pathom City

Nakhon Pathom is a rather small city. You can easily get around to the main sights (both of them) on foot, which is just as well since there's little in the way of public transportation.
The city's main attraction, the Phra Pathom Chedi, is litterally right in front of you as you step off the train. It's just a short walk from the train station to the chedi. Most buses park along the canal which runs between the Buddhist monument and the train station.
The city's other main sight is Sanam Chan Palace, due west of the chedi.
Between the canal and the big chedi is a large fresh market, although it's more like two markets, on either side of the street. The markets are behind the shophouses that line the street, with entrances in the middle of each block. The big market was founded by King Rama VI, who built Sanam Chan Palace, and it is still well maintained to the highest standards by the Crown Property Bureau.