Trang Weather

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The Thais divide the year into three seasons: the cool season, hot season, and rainy season. For most westerners, this translates to "hot," "really hot," and "really hot and wet." High temperatures rarely drop below 25° C (70° F). See the banner below for current conditions. Visit Weather Underground for a detailed forecast and more information.

Six-Day Weather Forecast for Trang

Historical Weather Patterns for Trang

In the lead-up to the wet season, day-time temperatures can get quite hot, although it still cools off considerably at night. November and December are the coolest months, although November can still be quite wet.

Average Monthly Highs & Lows for Trang (°C)
Trang Temps

Rains begin in earnest in April or May, and continue until November. Although the rainy season is generally not a bad time to visit Thailand, the seas can get quite rough in the rainy season, and so ferry services often shut down from May to October. If you plan to visit any of the islands around Trang, make sure the resorts are open and the ferry services in operation.

Average Monthly Rainfall in Trang (mm)
Trang Rainfall