We have a wealth of information on the site to help you plan your Thai vacation. Here are links to the main articles.
- Where to Stay
- There's a rich selection of places to stay in Thailand. Everything from the world's top rated hotels and resorts to cheap hostels can be found, sometimes side-by-side. In the "top rated" category, you'll find the Oriental Hotel, which is consistently ranked one of the world's finest hotels year after year. This 125 year old landmark is worth a visit, even if you're not staying there.
- Islands and Beaches
- The beaches of Thailand are the main reason many people come. While they all pretty much have white sand, calm seas and warm water, there are also lots of variations to choose from. Which one is the best? Well, it's all really a matter of taste. As beaches go, the north end of Chaweng Beach on Samui is one of our all time favorites. However, Samui is probably one of the most expensive destinations in Thailand, with very little to see and do away from the beach.
- Maps & Guides
- There are many maps and guides to Thailand. We've listed our favorites below. A guidebook is probably a good idea for first time visitors to the country. There's so much to see that you need some idea of what might interest you beforehand.
- Medical Tourism
- In recent years, "medical tourism" has become the new buzzword for the development of Thailand's tourism industry. What this means is encouraging people to come to Thailand, have a little elective surgery, and then recuperate on some nice beach. The idea is not as crazy as it may sound. Some of Thailand's private hospitals are capable of world class healthcare, accredited according some of the toughest standards around. While they might be expensive for many Thais, these hospitals are still able to offer a high standard of care for far less than a hospital stay in most western countries will cost.
- Newspapers
- These days, it helps to keep up to date on what's happening where-ever you're traveling. Web sites for local English language newspapers can be a good source. The major dailies for Thailand are shown below, as well as a couple of other good sources for news and events.
- Public Holidays
- When planning your trip, you should be aware of the major national holidays celebrated throughout the country. However, although businesses and government offices are closed on public holidays, tourist attractions and shops are almost never closed. The main impact on the tourist of these holidays is the increased competition for travel and accommodation from Thais who use long weekends to get away from the big city.
- Suggested Itinerary
- Here's a wrap-up of where to go and what to see in the major tourist destinations. This is just a bare-bones itinerary. You should feel free to adjust it to meet your own special interests.
- Weather
- Thailand has three "seasons." The Thais refer to them as the "cool," "hot" and "rainy" seasons. A more accurate description would be "hot," "really HOT" and "really hot AND wet." The "cool" season from October/November through to March is the prime tourist season. Current weather conditions and historical values for the major cities covered (Chiang Mai, Phuket, Samui and Bangkok) are displayed for your information.